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What is Melasma?

Our skin contains cells called melanocytes which secrete a pigment called melanin. Melanin is what gives our skin colour. Sometimes, certain areas of the skin may experience excess secretion of melanin due to hormonal issues, exposure to radiation, etc. These spots appear darker than the actual skin tone and visibly stand out. This is called melasma.

Why Melasma Treatment Matters

Melasma stands out as dark spots on the skin and many people may find it unattractive and get conscious. Melasma treatments help reduce uneven skin tone.

Top Melasma Treatments in India

There are many melasma treatments in India. However, all of them take multiple sessions and do not give any instant relief. GD Tone-Up is an innovative treatment which helps provide some instant relief and also takes lesser sessions overall.

Why GD Tone-Up is Different

GD Tone-Up is an innovative treatment for melasma which works on a triple functionality. GD Tone-Up capitalizes on the benefits of laser toning while providing additional benefits of exfoliation, brightening and collagen remodeling to efficiently take care of melasma issues. It provides a four dimensional toning.

Manju Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. is the exclusive distributor of GD Tone-Up in India.

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