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What is Gold PTT and how does it work?
Gold PTT

Gold PTT is an acne treatment which acts on the root cause of acne, i.e., the hyperactive sebaceous glands. Acne is caused by sebaceous glands being hyperactive and secreting excess amounts of sebum. This excess sebum can get clogged into pores and becomes the perfect place for acne bacteria to grow and flourish, causing inflammatory acne.

Gold PTT helps to effectively diminish inflammatory acne by:

  • Cleaning the sebaceous follicles

  • Eliminating acne bacteria

  • Decreasing excessive sebum secretion

PTT stands for Photothermal Therapy, which essentially uses the heat from laser machines in order to target specific areas without damaging the surrounding tissue. This was originally developed as a cancer treatment.

Gold PTT uses this same technology in tandem with Gold micro-shells which are absorbed into the hyperactive sebaceous glands. The gold micro-shells use the heat from the laser machine to effectively target the hyperactive sebaceous glands and bring them back to their normal size, without damaging the surrounding skin tissue. Since the hyperactive sebaceous glands are brought back to their normal size, there is no excess sebum secretion, effectively reducing acne and also preventing rapid recurrence.

Thus, Gold PTT is an acne treatment based on the selective photo-thermolysis of sebaceous glands with gold microparticles.

Manju Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. is the exclusive distributor of Gold PTT in India.

Manju Enterprises offers premium cosmetology solutions and is the exclusive distributor of Gold PTT in India. Manju Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. contact us for Gold PTT.

#Goldptt #Acnetreatment #Clearskin #Skincareinnovation #Noninvasivetreatment #Advancedacnecare #Healthyskin #Skinrevolution



Manju Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

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